Talking and teaching our children about Residential Schools

Here is a list of resources to help you talk to your children about Residential Schools.

Why our kids need to learn about residential schools – Today’s Parent

Children’s and Young Adult Books about Residential Schools – A comprehensive list of fantastic books for Children and Young adults (adolescents) to real. 

Where are the Children

Orange Shirt Day Cirriculum K-6

Gladys – We Never Knew  – The life of a child in a BC Residential School

Indigenous Education

Residential Schools – It’s Our Time – an Education Toolkit

YouTube Resources:

Not My Girl – Christy Jordan-Fenton and Margaret Pokiak-Fenton

When I was Eight – Christy Jordan – Fenton & Margaret Pokiak Fenton

I Am Not a Number – Jenny Kay Dupuis and Kathy Kacer

Stolen Words – Melanie Florence  (Read in Worship Service June 6th)

The Orange Shirt Story -Phyllis Webstad

Fatty Legs – Christy Jordan Fenton

Additional Resources:

Children’s and Young Adult Books about Residential Schools – A comprehensive list of fantastic books for children and young adults (adolescents) to real.

Feel free to contact me if you would like more information or have further inquiries.

Krystal Manuel, Riverbend United Church Children’s Ministry Coordinator

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Join Us For Sunday Worship

We welcome you in person at church at 10:30 a.m. or you can watch the service on our You Tube channel.

Youth and children are welcome on Sundays, and a baby room with care is available.