Are you wondering about a wedding or a memorial service?  Not sure what to expect at a Sunday service?  Who is our Minister, can they visit a family member in the hospital?  Click below for these and other frequently asked questions.

In addition to regular Sunday services, we have special seasonal services. Click here for more information on how we worship.

Anyone can be baptized at Riverbend United Church, from newborns to children and adults of any age.  Please contact the office at 780.430.7275 to discuss your options.

Yes we have a youth and young adult group. Please click here for more information.

Yes, we offer a variety of Children’s Programming.  On Sunday mornings children are welcome to join in the service for Children’s Time & discussion.  Following the discussion they are invited downstairs for Sunday School.  Once the worship service is over the children come back upstairs to join their parents.  In addition, throughout the year there are special services with children participating, including a Children’s Pageant and other activities.  For more information call the office to ask for Krystal Manuel, our Children’s Ministry Coordinator.

Many of the spaces at Riverbend United Church are available for rent at less than market-rates.  Cost will depend on which space you are interested in and whether this is a one-time or ongoing rental.  Please call the office to discuss your needs.

Who would we contact about booking a wedding at your Church? Response:  Please check out the WEDDINGS section of our website and call the office at 780.430.7275 for more details.

Riverbend United Church participates in the WECAN Food Basket p The WECAN Food Basket Society is a non-profit organization that purchases bulk meat and produce, which individuals can purchase and pick up from the Church once per month.  Contact them at (780) 413-4525 for more information.  In addition, on an emergency basis we may be able to assist with immediate grocery needs.  Call the office for more information.

We are happy to help with Memorial and Funeral services for members of the community and congregation, you do not have to be a member of Riverbend United Church. Please CLICK HERE for information about our Memorial & Funeral service information.

Riverbend United Church offers both live-streamed and recorded worship services on our YouTube channel

Please CLICK HERE for an explanation of Affirming congregations and how we support and welcome everyone as a child of God.

Join Us For Sunday Worship

We welcome you at the church or watch our live stream channel

Join Us For Sunday Worship

We welcome you in person at church at 10:30 a.m. or you can watch the service on our You Tube channel.

Youth and children are welcome on Sundays, and a baby room with care is available.