Prayer Shawl Ministry 

What is a prayer shawl?

A prayer shawl is a handmade knitted or crocheted shawl. What makes it different from other shawls is that when making a prayer shawl the crafter infuses the shawl with prayer as they work. This has a twofold benefit; many crafters feel soothed and uplifted as they create the shawl, and the recipient knows that love, care, and prayer went into its creation.

A few years ago, a project for Lent was proposed to the congregation. The idea was for squares to be knitted or crocheted by Riverbend United members and then sewn together to make blankets and shawls which would be given to those in the congregation and beyond in need of our prayers. The response was very positive and resulted in several blankets and shawls being made from the squares, which found homes with those in need of comfort and support.

From that small acorn of an idea, a mighty oak has grown. Some of our more prolific knitters and crocheters have continued to produce prayer shawls, which are available to anyone experiencing challenging times in their lives. They can be used for warmth, comfort, and as a reminder that no one is alone.  You do not need to be a member of the congregation to receive a shawl. If you, or someone you know, would benefit from receiving a prayer shawl please contact the church office.

As an extension of our Prayer Shawl Ministry, we have small knitted, and crocheted prayer hearts, in a basket, at the church. They are small enough to be easily slipped into a purse or a pocket and are freely available to anyone in the community and beyond who would like to take one (or several). They are an invitation to keep our hearts open to each other and in times of stress and anxiety, or when in need of reassurance, can be used as a reminder that we are surrounded by God’s love.  

Pictured are our Lenten Prayer shawls and blankets waiting to be blessed 


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Join Us For Sunday Worship

We welcome you in person at church at 10:30 a.m. or you can watch the service on our You Tube channel.

Youth and children are welcome on Sundays, and a baby room with care is available.