
The Trustees of Riverbend United Church hold congregational property in trust for the congregation as part of The United Church of Canada. Every congregation must have trustees, whether or not it owns land or a building, as it may still own other kinds of congregational property, such as investments. 

A majority of the trustees must be United Church members or adherents and must be of the legal age of majority in their province or territory.  The congregation decides on the exact number of trustees, with a minimum of three and a maximum of 15 trustees and sets the term of office for the trustees.  In some congregations, the trustees are appointed for life, however in most congregations, the trustees serve for a fixed period of one year or multiple years.

A special trustee meeting is one where the trustees are considering the sale, mortgage, lease, renovation, addition, or similar major action regarding congregational property, or considering any legal action involving the trustees.  The Board of Trustees must keep minutes of its meetings that include all decisions made by the board and make the minutes available to the designated lay/diaconal/ordained minister and the governing body for review and copying purposes.

The current Trustees of Riverbend United Church are:

      • Terry S. Hunt – Chair
      • Joan Robinson
      • Matthew Schoenhardt
      • Peggy Robinson
      • David Olson
      • Dave Turner

Source: United Church Congregational Book of Trustees Handbook

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Join Us For Sunday Worship

We welcome you in person at church at 10:30 a.m. or you can watch the service on our You Tube channel.

Youth and children are welcome on Sundays, and a baby room with care is available.